Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Fantastic Giveaway!

Go to Jackie and Kassies Sweet Hair Dos and enter her giveaway. I NEED those black and pink bows. So go and tell her I sent you!


Unknown said...

Hey thanks! you're the bomb ('re the bum as my girls say).

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Hey gal! I couldn't find a way to email you from your blog so I'll just leave you a comment answering your question on my hair blog. Heehee! First, yes I'd love to be linked to you. Mine is a public hair blog so linking is totally open to the public. I'm glad to meet another fairly new hair blogger. I'm learning new stuff every day. But this is a neat little community. I'll eventually let all of my family know about it but I wanted to get it really going, first, before announcing the grand opening. LOL Second, the french braid tutorial video I have on my blog is off Youtube. I'm going to go back and clarify that I didn't make it, myself. But for a newbie it's kind of nice to watch it. Have a beautiful week! I'll be back soon!